아직 다하지 못하다.
(be) unexhausted, incomplete, unfinished
아직 다하지 못하다.
(be) unexhausted, incomplete, unfinished
연어나 홍어 같은 어류는 알을 낳기 위해서 상류로 올라간다.
온 힘을 다하여 온 몸이 부딪쳐 만신창이가 되가면서 귀성한다.
본향의 자리에서 죽어 새로 부활하는 고기.
본향을 잊고 물 보다 더 빠른 속도로 물을 앞서려는 어리석은 자들이 현시대의 우리의 모습이다.
저 고향의 냄새를 맡고 돌아가자, 우리.
2017/2/17 KBS News
“한국의 정경유착을 끊을 중요한 시기”
政 정사 정/칠 정
經 지날 경/글 경
癒 병 나을 유
着 붙을 착, 나타날 저
기업가(企業家)는 정치인(政治人)에게 정치(政治) 자금(資金)을 제공(提供)하고 정치인(政治人)은 반대(反對) 급부(給付)로 기업가(企業家)에게 여러 가지 특혜를 베푸는 것과 같은, 정치인(政治人)과 기업가(企業家) 사이의 부도덕(不道德)한 밀착(密着) 관계(關係
출처: 2017년 1월 17일 뉴스
반기문 왈: “죽기살기식으로 정권만을 잡겠다는 행태는 지양돼야한다”
止揚 (지양) – reject [for the sake of improving]
①더 높은 단계(段階)로 오르기 위(爲)하여 어떠한 것을 하지 아니함 ②어떤 사물(事物)에 관(關)한 모순이나 대립(對立)을 부정(否定)하면서 도리어 한층 더 높은 단계(段階)에서 이것을 긍정(肯定)하여 살려 가는 일
출처: 2017년 1월 11일 뉴스
“한국은행의 기준금리 인하로 추경 편성이 급류를 타고 있다”
追更 (추경) => 追加更正豫算의 약자 – supplementary budget
예산(豫算) 작성(作成) 후(後)에 생긴 사유(事由)로 해서 기정 예산(豫算) 경비(經費)에 부족(不足)이 생겼을 경우(境遇), 이에 추가(追加)하여 작성(作成)된 예산(豫算)
Recently, Shane posted a recovered letter by Sir Thomas Lemuel Hawkes of Cornwall (c.a. late 15th century) regarding 20 rules for a knight, which was written to his children. I found that in essence the virtues outlined here coincide with classical virtues of Confucianism, which the Japanese bushido (code of warriors) had adopted. Here’s a quick association and notes on each of the rules from Shane’s original post. This is part 1 of 2.
One of the silent wars that has been raging on the Korean peninsula is between those who promote only hangeul usage and those who wants to conserve the traditional mixed script usage where both hanja (traditional Chinese characters) and hangeul are used interchangeably. It’s true that in the linguistic history, specifically the history of written script, of East Asian countries, especially in Korea and in Japan, the use of phonetic scripts have been looked down upon as inferior to the use of classical Chinese idiomatic characters.
It seems that Korean people (those who are living in Korea) are evenly split between the all-hangeul-use camp and the mixed-use camp, with a lot of nonopinionated stuck in the middle. I’ve memorized around 500 hanja characters so far, and in spite of my large ignorance, I incline towards the mixed-use, not because I am an elitist but because I believe there is more to lose than to gain. History is already a largely marginalized subject in schools due to overt emphasis on job skills in education, and it doesn’t help to establish any more sense of connection to history if you herd an entire generation people to an ignorance of scripts used by their forefathers. Take the example of the writings by Ahn Jun-geun (Korean: 안중근 (安重根)). Thanks to a popular bumper sticker, everyone is familiar with his hand print along with the word, “大韓國人,” (Korean: 대한국인), literally translated, “The Person of the Great Country of Han.” However, the main writing which this was part was “黃金百萬兩不如一敎子 ” (Korean: 황금백만냥 불여일교자), translated, “100,000 pounds of gold can’t equal to a [proper] teaching of [one’s] child,” is largely unknown to the populace. He wrote this while in jail, waiting for his execution, which was the penalty for trying to assassinate Ito Hirobumi.
And then there is the deeply honored historical figure called General Yi Sun-sin, whose writing was only in hanja. Some Koreans may have heard of Diary during the War (Korean: 난중일기 (亂中日記)), even may have read a translation of it, but only very few has ever read it in its original writing. Of course, it doesn’t help that he wrote mostly following the Chinese grammatically rule, just as the literatis of his day did, but even knowing the characters themselves would help to identify the words with which he wrote. Continuing to neglect the linguistic heritage, and marginalize its use for the future generations of Koreans is to distance the Koreans to the real historical identity of its past, and only to ostracize its people from sharing the common heritage of its own history, as well as its connection to its neighbors.
Today’s world is full of people with over-the-top confidence of the very age they are living in. As the old Eastern saying goes, a frog in the well (井底之蛙) thinks of its well as the center of the universe. The entrapment of such captive intelligentsia to its own myth of progress causes minds and human types that resemble Swift’s Lilliputians, or strutting cocks that face down their ancestors only because they happen to be breathing at the present moment. Have you ever tried to talk to a teenager who believes he has come to a point in life where there is nothing more to learn from you? Welcome to the world of teens de historia.
I think it’s better to be utterly broken with the knowledge of one’s own ignorance, so I hearken back to the sages of old. All thirsty souls are welcome.
오늘 날의 많은 사람들은 지금 사는 시대에 대해 감당하기 어려울 만큼의 자신감을 가지고 살아간다. 우물안의 개구리처럼 이 세상이 우주의 중심인것 처럼. 발전이란 신화를 절대적으로 믿는 자칭 지식인들로 인해 小人國人間形이 만연하고 현제 숨을 쉬고 있는 이유하나로 과거의 조상들의 것들을 수탉과 같은 기세로 깔아보는 사람들이다. 부모로부터는 더 이상 배울게 없다고 생각하는 십대 청소년과 대화를 해본적이 있는가? 시대적 십대 세상에 살고 있는 우리의 현실이다.
자신의 無知에 대해 心적으로 깨진 사람이 난것 같다. 저 먼 과거의 賢者들과 聖人들의 미새한 소리를 들어본다. 모든 갈증하는 이들을 환영한다.