Towards a more volitional ministry, rather than only-emotion ministry

The constant is the proclivity to win people to our point of view on metaphysical aspects of our faith that we hold dear rather than leading them to Christ. The most important part of the calling is our own closeness to Christ, and thereby knowing where to lead others to. “You can’t make disciple of others without being a disciple yourself.” So, the commands of the Great Commission makes the prerequisite rather crystal clear. It’s given to someone who is already a disciple. Without following the footsteps of Christ, it can only be a confusing journey of halfhearted mediocrity.

As soon as Adam compromised on the word of God, everything fell apart. Just as we can’t even make the tiniest particle to split on our own, we can’t hold together what’s broken. It takes a miracle and God is more than capable of that. As Thomas a’Kempis reminds us, we must read His words humbly, simply, and honestly, and be cautious of being caught up in our greed of learning rather than obeying the words simply once the essential message is grasped.

Reflection on and TK I-IV