Author Archives: mhan

Inuyashiki (2018)


Director: Shinsuke Sato
Writer: Hiroya Oku (manga), Hiroshi Hashimoto
Stars: Noritake Kinashi, Takeru Satoh, Kanata Hongo


Inuyashiki Ichiro, a struggling older man with an uncaring family, finds himself completely changed into a different being along with another younger man in the park.

Inuyashiki uses his newly gained powers for good while the young man, Shishigami Hiro, uses his powers for evil.

Disconnect (2012)

Director: Henry Alex Rubin
Writer: Andrew Stern
Stars: Jason Bateman, Jonah Bobo, Haley Ramm

Friends driving a friend to extremes through a fake account, and journalists trying to save a webcam boy. The relationships created through online can be complicated, and extremely fragile. This movie takes a raw approach to examining such relationships.

People’s issues rarely change, and it is no different in this connected world. Rather, the issues intensify, and human problems magnify. People can hide behind their online identities, and it can be harder for people to really connect at a deeper level.

Fake mask-selling sites; scammers

It’s probably a small team operating these. They will even call you (on Saturday night) if you file a complaint. They’re well-versed in technology, and apt at avoiding detection. If you file a complaint with Facebook, it will be ignored, and any posts mentioning them will be taken down. They will hoard money as long as possible, and run before getting caught. I wonder when the law enforcement will catch these retromingent mofos.

Can we drastically reduce the community spread?

I wonder what it would take to have shopkeepers, cashiers, and others who regularly encounter customers in close proximity to wear masks (aka respirators.) The 2018 Cambridge pandemic study had found that these people categorically become superspreaders during an epidemic, and by having them either vaccinated (not an option for now) or isolated, we can reduce the number of infections by 40%.

I understand that the capacity to mass produce masks is limited here in the States, and the leaders have promoted policies, or public orders accordingly, so I’m not advocating that everyone wear masks, but I think it’d be a good idea to have these potential superspreaders to wear them.

#covid19 #masks #respirators

Notes on [brain] fatigue

Self-diagnosis. 2 points if yes, 1 point if somewhat yes, and 0 if no. And then sum it up at the end.

  1. I have a problem with sleeping at night, and I wake up in the middle of night.
  2. I have lost appetite.
  3. I feel tired all the time even though I haven’t used my body that much
  4. I don’t feel like going to work or go outside.
  5. I’m anxious and feel nervous all the time.
  6. I can’t organize my thoughts well.
  7. I have a headache.
  8. My neck and shoulders feel stiff.
  9. I can’t concentrate well.
  10. My eyes feel tired.

Healthy: 0-5, Light: 6-9, Intermediate: 10-15, Danger: more than 15

In the intermediate level, you can potentially experience skin issues.

If it’s over 15, you should go see a doctor — especially if you’re over 40 years-old.

Notes on neck health

Head is usually 5 to 7 kg. And neck is comparable to the core of a toilet tissue. It can be compared to the core supporting a 6 kg watermelon.

Neck problems have become common these days because

  1. More people tilt their head forward and down to see things (e.g. smartphones)
  2. and maintain that posture for a prolonged period of time.

Such bad posture will put 27 kg or more pressure on the blood vessels and skeletal structure around the neck.

Wi-Fi 6 is coming

The upcoming standard is called IEEE 802.11ax and it will be available starting in the fall of 2019.

The latest standard we’ve been using is called 802.11ac, and although we haven’t heard Wi-FI 5, the new standard will be widely promoted as Wi-Fi 6 (as the 6th generation).

The new Wi-Fi 6, 802.11ax uses both 2.4 GHz & 5 GHz and has features such as multi-user, multiple-input, multiple-output (MU-MIMO), Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA) — allows more devices to simultaneously operate on the same channel — throughput of 9 to 10 gigabits per second in optimal conditions. It also supports WPA3.

For reference:
Wi-Fi 5, 802.11ac (only uses 5 GHz)
Wi-Fi 4, 802.11n (uses both 2.4 GHz & 5 GHz)

Ref: What is Wi-Fi 6 and When Will I Get It?

Googlebot searching far in the future

Screenshot of nginx access log

While monitoring the logs, I’ve encountered an interesting URL being examined by Googlebot. It’s a type of pattern I’ve been seeing for last several months and decided to make a comment about it today. There’s a very little doubt that Googlebot is partially driven by machine learning algorithm, and for some reason it’s querying a date of May 14, 2143 on this instance. It’s targetting a Read the Bible in a Year service area I’ve created for my church few years ago at Apparently, Googlebot has figured out that it could traverse through time and started to query what seems to be arbitrary dates. Here are some dates it has queried in the wee hours of August 12, 2019, in the descending order of query times:


Okay, on the second look, it is actually traversing through one day at a time for years 1865, 2132, 2125, 2026, 2034, 2069, 2025, 2033, and so on. The log has many more dates. It almost looks like an artificial intelligence trying to figure out what correlation, if any, is there between the date and the Bible passages presented on the page. This seems to have gone on for a while. This is just taking up unnecessary bandwidth… not sure what to do — slap the Googlebot’s hand when it gets to this page again, or maybe take the page down?

byobu: properly displaying unicode characters under GNU Screen

With the need to have multiple sessions via terminal multiplexer, I’ve recently switched back to using GNU Screen rather than tmux. In this transition, I’ve noticed the following:

$ printf '%b\n' '\ue0b0\ue0b1\ue0b2\ue0b3\ue0b4'

Unicode characters don’t appear correctly. So I had to add the following to ~/.bashrc and restart my bash session to get it to display the unicode characters and symbols properly again.

export LC_ALL=en_US.utf-8

Now, it shows up fine.


This may be helpful to those who make use of special Unicode symbols, which are often non-standard, via NerdTree, Airline or Powerline VIM or Neovim plugins. This may be applicable to Nerd Font users as well.

Note: I’m using Naver’s D2 Coding Font.