- 11.8mm/0.46″
- #16 bld
Author Archives: mhan
고령자또는 노인에 대한 기준 및 비교
한국과 미국의 비교
한국 | 미국 | |
법률상 | 155세 이상의 사람은 고령자 50세 이상 55세 미만은 준고령자 | |
통계청 | 65세 이상 | |
노인복지법 | 65세 이상 | |
노인복지관및 노인교실 이용 | 60세 이상 | |
경로당및 노인공공시설 | 65세 이상 | |
AARP (노인시민단체) | 50세 이상 | |
개인연금 (401k) | 59.5세 이상 (연금을 탈수 있음) | |
공무원연금 (403b) | 62세 이상 | |
의료보험 (Medicare) | 65세 이상 | |
사회보장금 (Social security) | 67세 이상 | |
65세 이상 인구 | 15.7% | 16.9% |
초고령화사회 진입 예상년도 (20%를 넘으면 초고령화 사회) | 2025년 | 2040년 |
태도 | 절망 | 기대 |
빈곤률 | 43% | 23% |
- 찾기쉬운 생활법령정보: 고령자란?, 고령자고용촉진법 (2022)
Dash, en dash, and em dash
This is only for Windows. On macOS, you can just use Option+[dash] for en dash and Option+Shift+[dash] for em dash. On Linux, it may differ depending on what IME you use.
Name | Key or Alt Code | Example |
Dash or hyphen | dash key on the key board | This is what-a-ma-call-it. |
En dash | 0150 | In place of to as in 9–5. |
Em dash | 0151 | Break up the sentence—if you know what I mean. |
French press brewed coffee guide
After using Mr. Coffee brewing machine for a while, I decided to switch to a non-plastic based method for brewing coffee. The reason was simple: I don’t want my family to be drinking byproducts of plastic components (e.g. BPA) in their coffee. One or two day of use shouldn’t affect health, but using it over many years is a different story. So, I took out the old French press, which is all glass and decided to give it a go. Noting the procedure here after a little research, so I don’t forget it. This does make much stronger coffee, so adjust the amount of coffee to suit your needs.
- Prepare 60 ~ 65 grams of very coarse ground of coffee (little more than 3/4 cups of coffee), and 1 liter of water.
- Pour coffee grind into a clean (and dry) French press.
- Pour in the water as soon as it starts to boil into the press and stir thoroughly, but gently, at about 40 seconds.
- Close lid and wait 7 minutes.
- SLOWLY press down on the press. Do not agitate the coffee beans. They’ve been brewed completely by now, and no need to get the bitter parts into the final product.
- Enjoy.
천지창조하신 하나님이 빠진 교회들
하나님은 없다라고 가르치고 있는 세상속에서 교회도 같이 창조주 하나님은 없다라고 합창을 하면서 하나님의 말씀을 가르친다고 행세질만 하니 사람들이 교회를 나오긴 나오는데 예수님께서 보여주시고 가르쳐주신 신앙이 아닌 인본주의적인 사람들이 안전한 공간에서 다른 사람들을 만날 수 있는 공간이라 생각되서 교회에 나오게 된다. 계속해서 위대하신 하나님보다 과학이 더 위대하다고 과학을 찬양하라. 아이들도 진화론에 내포된 무신론주의에 빼앗긴 상황에서 어른들만 구원받으면 너무 불평등한건 아닌가? 더 나가 사람의 선조되신 원숭이님도 예배에 참석하게 해서 말씀을 들어야 하게 하는 것이 新無神論 목사들의 도리가 아닌가?
The famine of introspection
It’s sad to hear some to preach in a way as to totally discredit Christian doctrines, or at least speak in a way that could easily yield to such understanding by theologically untrained ears of congregants. The preacher himself may claim to have reached the top of theology and whatnot, but seems to never have had much appreciation nor treaded through an in-depth understanding of systematic theology due to whatever background, upbringing, or education he was fortunate(?) to have experienced in his own life. Does he understand the consequence of such implied imperative to distance from the very tradition of his own theology on the lives and minds of his own congregation? This is very much in tune with the post-modern Zeitgeist of the day, and yet, paradoxically, the preacher claims to a personalized version of a branch of Biblical theology. The apparent lack of metacognition, an aspect of self-aware on his part, at times, is suffocating at the least, and appalling in the best of times.
Oh, a mere mortal, a human. We’re all too apt at holding multitudes of contradictory ideas. Tolerate, we shall, but do we truly know the cost of such misguided rhetoric, or conviction, or whatever one shall label. In this day and age of illiteracy, and sinking of the Biblical authority in all areas of life, we have the workings of very leaders of the church destroy the edifice of millennia while giving rhetorical service to the Logos of the Divinity. The author of De Doctrina Christiana would be embarrassed to say the least when he hears a line such as, “Doctrine divides,” for an echo of Chamberlainian peace of 1938. Christian doctrine has been the tool not to divide, but as a tool of proclamation of truth against heresy. A Christian unity of faith that isn’t grounded in the truth is a unity against God’s truth. On one hand, you want to turn a deaf for once and maintain a level of comfort for communal peace, while in parallel, a corner of mind rationalizes for the other — what more can you expect from a background of liberal theological education. If I had grown up in his cradle, I may have ended up with a similar theological horizon. A mix of simple, inherited faith on the surface that is familiar to the masses, and yet, a forceful inertia of a critical education. But again, one does have to draw a line when it concerns the word of God. In spite of such understanding, I only ache at the famished landscape, a land without much introspection. A land where everyone tries to claim a type of ownership to something different from the tradition, with no understanding of the tradition that’s been passed down to us by God’s providence. How can one appreciate the beauty when, out of ignorance, we’re prone to throwing out the baby with bathwater?
剣道範士九段 佐藤忠三著
今日、12/25は 佐藤忠三 誕生日。(~1956・明治31年)【範士九段、直心影流、武専教授】「私の一生は、素振りの生涯であった」
Day 2 – Jeffrey Marsten sensei kendo training @ UAZ Rec Center
On enzan no metsuke
Read your opponent from head to toe; know when he/she is coming in
On when to strike
before the strike, after the strike, and when mind stops
45 degree downward strike from above; in reverse, by starting to point at the right side of tare
slide on omote side of the shina over the top of the aite’s shinai, to the tsuba location and then men (nori – ?)
Marsten sensei’s favorite waza is the men hiki kote
Nihon kendo kata – kaeshi men
debana kote
perfect practice makes perfect
Day 1 – Jeffrey Marsten sensei kendo training @ Tucson Kendo Kai
Nihon kendo kata
Marsten sensei was directly and meticulously taught under Inoue Yoshihiko sensei in Japan on kendo kata. This is why he’s 7th dan and not stuck at yondan like so many in the US. On all of the katas, there has to be an in-depth understanding of each of the katas. It forms the basis of kendo. For ippon-me, there is the righteousness represented in jodan. And the split opening of the body in half has to be felt by the uchidachi. The pressure has to be real. In godansha kendo, every cut is made within the context of in-depth understanding. Without this, it’s a mere stick fighting. Sanbon-me is a mercy. It’s not mere mastery of technicality — there has to follow a real understanding. The pressure has to be real, not a mere routine. The shidachi has to feel as if he’s won in a fight; uchidachi has to feel as if he’s lost in a fight if it’s a kata that ends with a kill.
On shomen
When doing yakusoku geiko with Marsten sensei, he pointed out good shomen. It’s also the one I felt as such. It’s little hard to explain, but it’s a combination of tenouchi, ki, ken, tai that somehow comes out really good.
On kote-men
We usually practice wazas in steps as if for beginners, but in wazas, the last strike is what is really counted. In kote-men, the kiai kote-men are three syllables, but we take two steps; so the kiai can be shortened to te-men. And also, the waza is meant to be executed as one compounded motion.
On why we do kendo
We don’t get promoted as often around here, and we don’t even have taikai — but they all help us to know where we stand. The ranks are just for pecking order in dojo, and doesn’t mean much more. Each federation has “good boys” club where certain people get ranks because they belong to certain federations, and they had paid the dues there. This probably explains for that unexplainable failed shinsa where the other guy who completely screwed up passed while I did not.
On nihon-me
Cut with a power just enough to slice through the wrist and leave the hand dangling.
On what we call “warm-up”
It’s a kihon drill, not a warm-up. Perfect practice leads to perfection. When doing suburi, don’t break it into two motions of lift – strike, but make it into one where the footwork feels like one move on a strike for both going forward and backward.
On “dead sword”
Lifting up the sword too much — it’s merely adding the distance + time.
Have a written plan. Solve one problem at a time.
On seme
You mentally cut the person, and then the sword follows.
On fumikomi
No need to take a bigger step, the longer step you take, the more time you’re taking.