Daily Archives: August 17, 2016

Moving all of the databases from one server to another

Log in as an admin on MySQL Console and lock the database to allow only read operations.

mysql> flush tables with read lock;
mysql> set global read_only = on;
mysql> exit

Dump all of the databases into a file.

$ mysqldump --lock-all-tables -u root -p --all-databases > dbs.sql

Copy the dump to the new server. RSYNC is preferred over SCP, especially if the file is large.

$ rsync -tvz --progress dbs.sql mhan@newserver.com:~/files/
$ scp dbs.sql mhan@newserver.com:~/files/

The DB can be (optionally) unlocked. This may or may not be a good thing to do in your case. Do it at your own risk.

mysql> set global read_only = off;
mysql> unlock tables;
mysql> exit

On the new server, execute this command to import the new dumped SQL file.

$ mysql -u root -p < ~/files/dbs.sql
